Monday, April 11, 2011

My First Post

So as I was trying to think about what I should put in my blog, I settled on a completely random topic. After looking at a game I have played in the past called Warhammer 40k I got the sudden desire to actually build and work on the army I have. My focus is on a group called the Death Guard. The desire to build them came from looking at the paint job of another player who posted what his looked like. It is not the standard look but a varient that I was drawn to. Hopefully I will be able to get something that looks even remotely as good as his, though I doubt it as painting is not my strong point. I found a decent amount of backstory from the 40k lexicanum.
A sample picture of the work I am considering borrowing.


  1. How long does it take to usually paint figurines of that complexity?

  2. I usually tell people that it takes 30 to 60 minutes per model just depends on how big the model is and the complexity of detailing on it as well. You can also go a little faster by forming an assembly line while you paint so you are doing the same piece on 10 guys all at once and do that over and over again until the squad is done.

  3. Though it can take a lot longer if your a slow painter like I am. Normally it takes me about a hour or two if I really want to do a high quaility paint job.
